Kim Eui-jung, CEO of WEFLO, interviewed
by AI to derive optimal results...Contactless is also a strength
"to be based on the value you want to discover new things"

Kim Eui-jung, CEO of WEFLO, is interviewing the Asian economy at his office in Pangyo, Seongnam City. Photo=reporter Heo Younghan@
"In the end, what matters in the inspection and maintenance process is decision-making. Artificial intelligence (AI) about whether it is possible to drive and when and what parts of it need to be repaired.AI)I can give you the answer."
The transition from internal combustion engines to eco-friendly mobility using electricity has become an irreversible trend. Electric cars, drones, and urban air transportation (UAM Future air traffic centered on )AAM Not only companies but also governments are jumping into it. In this situation, the need for diagnosis and inspection of safety is also growing. This is why WEFLO, which provides automatic inspection and diagnosis solutions for future mobility platforms, is drawing attention.
The WEFLO uses sensors to collect data on driving units such as motors from electric mobility gases. Usually, when it comes to checking electric mobility, it reminds me of the battery first. However, it is explained that a device that is as important as a battery is a drive unit. If the command is limited due to a problem in the driving unit, more current flows from the battery, which can eventually lead to a battery topic. In addition to the problem that occurred in the driving unit, it is possible to indirectly check the battery. This is because abnormal current flow may occur from the battery to the driving unit.
WEFLO uses sensors to check driving problems and accumulate data. The data was built by WEFLO. AI The model is analyzed and the optimal decision-making in inspection is derived. AI Based comprehensive diagnosis, gas aging is identified and specific conditions for each part are scored. It is also possible to check the life expectancy and replacement schedule in advance. AI Generative, where learns problems and checks directlyAIIt is also considering upgrading to a model.
Kim Eui-jung, CEO of WEFLO, has worked at Hanwha System for 16 years and has conducted tasks such as mobile communication, autonomous driving, design of guided flight systems, and technology research. The decision to establish WEFLO was made in April 2022. CEO Kim said, "The inspection takes a lot of time, so I've been thinking about how to do it efficiently."UAM We decided to establish the aircraft, believing that it leads the future market, because inspections are conducted only when objects appear."

Kim Eui-jung, CEO of WEFLO, talks about drone diagnostic panels and AI technology at his office in Pangyo, Seongnam City. Photo=reporter Heo Younghan@
Collecting data using sensors,AIIn addition to analysis and diagnosis, it also has the strength of a 'contactless solution'. "Because high pressure flows, it is difficult and dangerous to check the contact method," CEO Kim said. "The non-contact type can also grasp various contents such as the amount of energy and physical quantity of the driving unit through sensors, so there is a lot of information that can be obtained compared to the contact type, which can only know the energy over time." WEFLO is said to be the only place that diagnoses and inspects electric mobility in a non-contact manner.
I'm currently working with drones. UAM The business is being carried out by dividing it into air mobility and ground mobility sectors to which electricity belongs. In the near future, growth in ground mobility is high, but the size of the sector is expected to increase when air mobility aircraft are developed and released. Customers are also expected to diversify from electric vehicle rental car operators and driving system manufacturers to aviation mobility platform companies and manufacturers, aircraft maintenance platforms, and insurance companies. In addition, because it enables the diagnosis and quantification of electric mobility, it is expected that WEFLO will show its influence in the used trading market.
WEFLO plans to continue new attempts as it has entered untapped fields. "Because we are pioneering the market, we will lead the company based on the value of finding new things," CEO Kim said. "We want to create the only company that continues to create products and services in innovative, challenging and creative ways."