Wiplo, Air Taxi AI Inspection Solution at the U.S. Air Fair

Wiplo, a start-up specializing in future aviation mobility (AAM) solutions, announced on the 16th that it will participate in the "EAA Air Venture Oshkosh 2024" held in Wisconsin from the 22nd to the 28th. At this fair, Wiplo will introduce artificial intelligence (AI) smart inspection solutions for safety inspection of air taxis and drones.

The conceptual diagram of the Verti-Pit Pro presented at the "EAA Air Venture Oshkosh 2024" by Whiplo. / Whiplo

The EAA Air Venture Show, which has been held since 1953, is a global aviation event that attracts more than 700,000 visitors every year, featuring air shows of various aircraft such as fighter jets, jets, and helicopters and exhibitions of aviation industry-related companies.
This year, in addition to aircraft manufacturers such as Boeing and Airbus, Joby Aviation and Lyft, manufacturers of eVTOL (Electric Power Vertical Take-off and Lander) that will be used as aircraft for air taxis, will participate. Zipline and Wing, which operate Amazon and Walmart's drone delivery services, will also participate.
At this fair, Wiplo will unveil the first AI smart inspection solution that can secure the safety of air taxis that are approaching commercialization and increase operational efficiency. 
The Verti-Pit Pro, which will be introduced by Wiplo, is a solution that can be mounted on an air taxi to monitor the driving condition such as blades and motors, which are core components of the aircraft, in real time. Verti-I is a solution that can diagnose defects such as scratches and cracks in the appearance of the gas. Based on self-developed AI algorithms and big data, the two solutions can be integrated to accurately diagnose the gas and predict the potential risk of failure in advance.
Wiplo will also demonstrate its smart landing pad "Verti-Pit" for service providers who use drones to perform tasks such as drone shows, drone delivery, and agricultural control. Bertipit is a solution that can check the driving unit and battery condition of a drone in a non-contact manner, and the exhibition will introduce a lightweight and portable mini version. 
"The EAA Air Venture Show is an important event that showcases the latest technologies and trends in the global aviation industry, and we expect this participation to be a good opportunity to inform the global market of Wiplo's AI smart inspection solution," said Kim Eui-jung, CEO of Wiplo. "We plan to accelerate the overseas expansion of Wiplo's solution through networking with global air taxi manufacturers and operators."
Wiplo is a company that specializes in automatic drone and air taxi inspection solutions established in 2022 and provides a smart inspection system that diagnoses and predicts the health status of the aircraft based on AI fusion sensors.

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